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78 total results found
Dragonslayer's Chime
Chime used to cast incantations. Increases damage done by Lightning Incantations. These chimes are a choice offhand of the legendary Samurai Dragonslayers. About Dragonslayer’s Chime is a new weapon introduced in Elden Ring: Dark Moon. This wea...
Talisman of Beasts
Favored seal of Warlocks. Through their many rebirths, these advanced tacticians have learned how to cast both Sorceries and Incantations. The Warlock clan is said to have become very agorophobic. About Talisman of Beasts is a new weapon introdu...
Broken Sword
A broken sword, surprisingly useful as a slashing weapon. Quite an unconventional weapon to be sure. About Broken Sword is a new weapon introduced in Elden Ring: Dark Moon. The Broken Sword is a classic staple of Souls titles and it’s a darn cr...
Bloodborne Weapons
Over time, countless hunters have visited this dream. The graves here stand in their memory. It all seems so long ago now... And so, the hunt begins. About The Bloodborne Weapons are a new set of weapons introduced in Shattered and updated/maintained ...
Character Creation
There are many things that have been updated in the character creation process with Dark Moon. From new cosmetics to new classes to new ways to start your game, here's the full run down! New Cosmetic Options Bloodborne introduced glasses and Dark moon ad...
Combat & Player
Combat has been updated in a variety of ways in Dark Moon. While it's not a primary focus of this mod, Elden Ring is obviously very combat-focused, so some changes are definitely around! Combat Changes Rally The Rally mechanic from Bloodborne incentiv...
New Merchants
Various merchants have been added and updated in Dark Moon. Ranni Puppet The pseudo-mascot for Dark Moon, this puppet of Lunar Princess Ranni can be found throughout The Lands Between, but mainly it sits in Roundtable Hold across from the Twin Maiden Hus...
Smithing Stone Shards
Shards of stones used by warriors to empower their armaments. Many stones had been shattered in times of war. Their remains scattered throughout the Lands Between. About Smithing Stone Shards are a new item introduced in Shattered and repurpos...
Gold Coin
Shiny coin made of pure gold.These coins radiate with energy from other worlds. Money doesn't always buy you happiness, but it sure can buy you some shiny new armor! About Gold Coins are the choice currency traded in The Arena. It's said that sm...
Small ball made of snow found to the north. Careful who you throw it at, there might be something extra in there... Throw at enemies to cause slight buildup of frost. About Snowballs are a new item introduced in Elden Ring: Dark Moon. Throw t...
Erdtree Root
A root of the great Erdtree. Material used to craft legendary equipment. Its minor offspring sprout these roots of great rarity. They can be utilized to create something of immense power. About Erdtree Roots are a new crafting material introduce...
Erdtree Essence
Essence of the great Erdtree. Material used to craft legendary equipment. This essence glows with an incredible energy. It can be utilized to create something of immense power. About Erdtree Essence is a new crafting material introduced in Shatt...
Bull-Goat's Talisman
A talisman depicting the horns of a bull-goat. Raises poise. Bull-goats are associated with the stout and mighty Tragoth, said to be unflinching in combat—now a silent comrade to those who fight. About Bull-Goat’s Talisman is a talisman introduc...
The Arena
About The Arena is a combat ordeal hosted in the various colosseums around The Lands Between. There is no pre-requisite for entering, all you need to do is head over to one of the colosseums, open the doors, and speak to the Ranni Puppet sitting there. Spe...
Elden Soup
This soup isn't for the faint of heart. Only the greatest of Tarnished can consume its power. Grants increased strength from a variety of sources for a limited time. The bowl mysteriously refills while resting. About Elden Soup is a new item int...
Amber Medallions
A medallion with amber inlaid. The Erdtree's old sap becomes amber, treasured as the most precious of jewels in the age of Godfrey, the first Elden Lord. A primordial life energy resides inside. About Shattered introduced updated versions o...
User Interface
Dark Moon alters the UI in various ways. Visual UI Overhaul Dark Moon has a recolored interface to match the overall branding. Not a huge change, but hits where it counts. Simplified HUD HUDs in Souls Games have always been quite busy and while Eld...
Misc. Changes
Dark Moon changes a lot of tiny things that don't need a whole section dedicated to them. All of those are detailed here. Tutorials and Rumours Throughout Dark Moon you'll find and be given tutorial and rumour items which you can examine to learn about mec...
v1.0 Initial Release
Gameplay Changes New classes! Dark Moon introduces 11 new classes. As opposed to the base game’s more flexible classes, Dark Moon’s classes are more specifically tuned to either a stat or a fantasy. For example, the Great Knight is a classic strength master...
v1.01 Changelog
General Changes Unique Weapons can now change affinities! This is largely thanks to param rows found in Techmo’s Whetstone Forging by TechmoWizardp. I also fixed a bug in their mod that prevented weapon names and descriptions from displaying properly...