Brador's Set

The bloodied hide of a horrible Cleric Beast from another world, pulled over the back. Without the attacked beast hide this foreigner garb wouldn't raise anyone's eyebrows.
Brador donned a compatriot's beastly scalp and hide while still moist with blood. Most of the blood stains on this hide were from that day.
Brador's Set is a new armor set introduced in Elden Ring: Dark Moon.
Fun more off the wall set from Bloodborne. The head piece fits in quite well with Elden Ring. Ported by Noctis.
It provides no gameplay benefits.
How to obtain
Purchase with Gold Coins at the Colosseum Shop.
ID's (Protector)
Helm: 7038000
Chest: 7038100
Legs: 7038200
Feet: 7038300
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