
Ashina Set
Armor of a shinobi from another world. This shinobi once served a land beyond the fog, Ashina. The armor is ...

Astrologist's Set
Astrologists believe that magical powers can be obtained at moments of special heavenly alignment. Even the co...

Black Witch Set
When Zullie the Witch learned of Alva's dedication to Saint Serrate she used all manner of tricks and deceit to...

Brador's Set
The bloodied hide of a horrible Cleric Beast from another world, pulled over the back. Without the attacked b...

Caretaker's Set
Simple leather top worn by a mysterious woman. The Caretaker of the Isle of Bounty has been trapped within the I...

Catarina Set
Distinctively shaped armor worn by the Knights of Catarina. Often ridiculed for its onion-like shape, infuriat...

Chester's Set
This exquisitely sewn aristocratic suit allows its wearer to move in silence, lending well to stealth. About...

Dark Set
Armor of a fallen sect from another world. Looks as if it may crumble to dust at any moment. The Darkwraiths...

Desert Sorceress Set
Desert Sorceresses have enchanting looks, and they use them to catch people off guard. Oddly enough, even thos...

Dragonslayer's Set
Choice armor of the great Dragonslayer Samurai. These Dragonslayers hail from a world far beyo...

Elite Knight Set
Armor said to have been given to elite knights of fallen Astora. The mere mention of Astora invoked wistful pa...

Emerald Herald's Set
The Emerald Herald, born of dubious means, guided many through the land of Drangleic. Whispers of her work as...

Faraam Set
This armor is designed in the style of the Lion Knights, a once-mighty order from Forossa. Although the Lion Kn...

Fluted Set
Iron armor from another world with finely cut grooves. It is used by the knights of the relatively advanced...

Gloom Set
The complete armor set which has an extremely high level of adhesion. The black iron robs the wearer of his or ...

Havel's Set
Armor as if hewn from a giant boulder. Highly protective, but excessively heavy. The warriors who followed Hav...

Heide Knight Set
Forgotten chainmail from another world. Whether Heide refers to a kingdom or was just a name for the land is...

Heisenberg's Hat
A wide brimmed hat once worn by a brilliant perfumer from another world. It is said that those who wear it become im...

Hunter's Set
Garb worn by hunters from a nightmare realm. One of the standard articles of hunter attire fashioned at the ...

Maiden in Black Set
Dress of a maiden from another world. An echo of its former owner calls out:"Soul of the mind, key to life's eth...

Maria Hunter Set
Among the first hunters, all students of Gehrman, was the lady hunter Maria. This was her hunter's garb, craft...

Mensis Cage
This hexagonal iron cage suggests their strange ways. The cage is a device that restrains the will of the self, allow...

Necromancer's Set
Armor of a long-dead yet powerful Necromancer. Through experimentation, the Necromancer was able to invent n...

Old Raggedy Set
A robe from another world made of layers of ragged fabric. Covered in tears, open seams, and writhing grubs....

Ringed Knight Set
Armor of a sect of knights from another world. Malformed black armor of the Ringed Knights. The armor of ear...

Saint Kalé’s Uniform
Fine robes worn by the great Saint Kalé! Hope you were good this year or Saint Kalé won't be very nice... It ...

Solaire's Set
The symbol was painted by the knight himself, but the armor never bore any special power, sacred or otherwise. ...

Wolf Knight Set
The twilight blue tassel is damp, and will ever remain so. A vanquished knight left behind only wolf's blood, ...

Yharnam Hunter Set
Hunter's garb from another world. Ludwig, the first hunter of the Healing Church, once recruited Yharnamites...