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Stake of Maveth

IncantationSorcery created by legendary Necromancer Maveth.

ChannelsSummon innerspikes energyof culminatingDeath Blight that shred into your enemy to build up the curse. Charge for higher effectiveness.

The Necromancer created many tools in ahis releasequest thatto expungesresurrect the affectsPrince of Death. AlleviatesNone Deathwere Blightmore buildup.


Thosethan who tempt fate must use every tool to stave off Death's touch.this.


Death'sStake Cureof Maveth is a new IncantationLegendary Sorcery introduced in Elden Ring: Dark Moon.

ThisSend Incantationforth curesthree allgiant spikes made of pure Death, exploding on contact for massive Blight buildup,buildup. itBalance pairsthe wonderfully with any offensive Blight spells as they all self-inflict Blight. Also, if charged, you'll expunge a smallhuge amount of your builtself-inflicted Blight ontobuildup nearby enemies.wisely.

How to obtain

LootExchange itthe offMad aTarnished corpseRemembrance deepfor withinthis Maveth'or the spell Stake of Maveth at Enia's Crypt.Remembrance Shop in Roundtable Hold.

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ID (Goods)
  • 79045111