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The Arena

The Arena.png


The Arena is a combat ordeal hosted in the various colosseums around The Lands Between. There is no pre-requisite for entering, all you need to do is head over to one of the colosseums, open the doors, and speak to the Ranni Puppet sitting there.

Speaking of, the Puppet has a shop open where you can purchase various armor and weapons ported from other games in exchange for a new currency, Gold Coins. These coins are granted to the victors of The Arena. 

Each Arena begins as a series of set encounters that you defeat in a set order. Once you defeat each one once you can challenge them again in a randomized order or reset your progress to play them in order again.

Spoilers for the encounters below! Don't read on if you'd rather be surprised.

Limgrave Colosseum

Godrick's Army

  • Fight an endless onslaught of Godrick soldiers until you eventually exhaust their ranks.

Crab Rave

  • Ever see a bunch of Giant Crabs go at each other? Well you have now!
  • Let them kill each other or jump in the fray yourself.

Godrick'sDemon ArmyDuo

  • Fight an endless onslaught of Godrick soldiers untilIf you eventuallyever exhaustwanted theirto ranks.fight the Stray Demon and the Capra Demon at the same time then this is the fight for you!
  • Rush down the Erdtree Avatar sniping from the stairs or brute his barrage as the Omenkiller and his dogs hunt you down.

Godrick'sBehold, ArmyFingers!

  • FightBask anin endlessthe onslaughtglory of Godrickthe soldiersTwo until you eventually exhaust their ranks.Fingers...

Godrick'sRoyal ArmyCrucible Authority

  • FightWe anall endlessknow onslaughtElden Ring is just Dark Souls 2 2, but it didn't have enough encounters with shitloads of Godrickknights soldiersand untilrats youso eventuallyhere exhaustya theirgo. ranks.Oh and you're also stuck in a cave.

Godrick'sDo Armyit, coward.

  • FightGo anon endlessthen, onslaughtdo ofit. Godrick soldiers until you eventually exhaust their ranks.

Godrick'True Night's ArmyCavalry

  • FightElden anRing's endlessgot onslaughtthat ofbright Godrickass soldiersmoon untillighting youup eventuallyits exhaustnight theirsky, ranks.but this Night's Cavalry has shrouded the Colosseum in darkness for his encounter.
  • Watch out for his support in the back as well...

Godrick's ArmyTriplets

  • FightWho an endless onslaught of Godrick soldiers untilknew you eventuallyhad exhaustso theirmany ranks.siblings!
  • Fight two Mimic Tears at once for the ultimate throwdown.

Godrick'sMelina, ArmyDaughter of Grace

  • FightPerhaps anthe endlessDLC onslaughtwill follow up on one of GodrickElden soldiersRing's untilendings where Melina vows to hunt you eventuallydown. exhaustUntil theirthen, can challenge her to the death* in The Arena.
  • *death not canon.

Caelid Colosseum

Godrick's Army

  • Fight an endless onslaught of Godrick soldiers until you eventually exhaust their ranks.

Godrick's Army

  • Fight an endless onslaught of Godrick soldiers until you eventually exhaust their ranks.

Godrick's Army

  • Fight an endless onslaught of Godrick soldiers until you eventually exhaust their ranks.

Godrick's Army

  • Fight an endless onslaught of Godrick soldiers until you eventually exhaust their ranks.

Godrick's Army

  • Fight an endless onslaught of Godrick soldiers until you eventually exhaust their ranks.

Godrick's Army

  • Fight an endless onslaught of Godrick soldiers until you eventually exhaust their ranks.

Godrick's Army

  • Fight an endless onslaught of Godrick soldiers until you eventually exhaust their ranks.

Godrick's Army

  • Fight an endless onslaught of Godrick soldiers until you eventually exhaust their ranks.

Godrick's Army

  • Fight an endless onslaught of Godrick soldiers until you eventually exhaust their ranks.

Royal Colosseum

The Royal Colosseum nestled in the heart of Leyndell has not yet opened its doors to Arena combatants.

Seamless Co-Op

If you're playing with your friends using Seamless Co-Op, be sure to select the menu option for that when talking to the Ranni Puppet. If you don't, things will likely break.

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