Broken Sword
FavoredAsealbrokenofsword,Warlocks.surprisinglyThroughusefultheirasmanyarebirths,slashingthese advanced tacticians have learned how to cast both Sorceries and Incantations.weapon.
TheQuiteWarlockanclanunconventionalis saidweapon tohavebebecome very agorophobic.sure.
TalismanBroken of BeastsSword is a new weapon introduced in Elden Ring: Dark Moon.
ThisThe weaponBroken Sword is thea firstclassic staple of aSouls newtitles typeand of weapon-class, Dual Catalysts. These catalysts trade specialty init’s a specificdarn schoolcrime forthey thedidn’t abilityadd one to castElden both Incantations and Sorceries.Ring!
ForIt’s a directdagger-class upgradeweapon and deals a low amount of bleed due to the Talismancrude ofcut Beasts,at tryits the Scepter of the All-Knowing which drops from Sir Gideon.tip.
How to obtain
WarlockFound class starts with this or purchase fromat the RanniChurch Puppet.of Elleh in Limgrave.
ID's (Weapon)