Hunter's Set
TheGarbHunterwornSetbycanhunterssuckfrommeaoffnightmarewow look how good it looks dang!realm.
Lore!OneWoweeof the standard articles of hunter attire fashioned at the workshop.In the nightmare, Outer Gods are not ones to be worshipped, but to be hunted.
Hunter’s Set is a new armor set introduced in Elden Ring: Dark Moon.
This armor is one of the iconic sets from Bloodborne. It was the first armor set I ported so it’s a little janky, but it works!
It provides no gameplay benefits.
WhereHow to Obtainobtain
UpHunter yourclass mum'sstarts bungholewith that'sthis whereor purchase from the Ranni Puppet.
ID's (Protector)
IDHelm: 7000100
IDChest: 7000200
IDLegs: 7000300
IDFeet: 7000400