Havel's Set

Armor as if hewn from a giant boulder. Highly protective, but excessively heavy.
symbolwarriorswaswhopaintedfollowedbyHavel theknight himself, but the armorRock neverboreflinched, nor retreated from battle, crushing anyspecialfoepower,thatsacredstoodorinotherwise.their way.
Solaire’Havel’s Set is a new armor set introduced in Elden Ring: Dark Moon.
PraiseBecome the Sun!tank. Ported by KRDCD.
It provides no gameplay benefits.
How to obtain
Purchase the set at the Ranni Puppet’s Colosseum Shop in exchange for Gold Coins.
ID's (Protector)
- Helm:
70160007017000 - Chest:
70161007017100 - Legs:
70162007017200 - Feet: