Chester's Set

Among the first hunters, all students of Gehrman, was the lady hunter Maria.This
wasexquisitelyhersewnhunter'saristocraticgarb,suitcraftedallows its wearer to move inCainhurst.silence, lending well to stealth.
Maria HunterChester’s Set is a new armor set introduced in Elden Ring: Dark Moon.
LadyMarvelous MariaChester, ofa Bloodbornegun-toting wouldmasked loveman Thefrom Landsanother Between,world. IHis think.set Betweenhas allbeen theported bloodto andElden the doll puppets, it’d feel like home. PortedRing by CathalKRDCD. It's recommended you wear this entire set at once instead of individual pieces. This is just because of the way it was ported This may be fixed in the future.
It provides no gameplay benefits.
How to obtain
Purchase the set at the Ranni Puppet’s Colosseum Shop in exchange for Gold Coins.
ID's (Protector)
- Helm:
70210007022000 - Chest:
70211007022100 - Legs:
70212007022200 - Feet: